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Monday, October 14, 2013

Tips to Improve ASP dotnet Application Performance

There are certain things you should take into account when you are developing your applications.

I have learned to avoid and do certain things that increase your application performance by a massive amount!

1)Avoid Server-Side Validation

Try to avoid server-side validation, use client-side instead. Server-Side will just consume valuable resources on your servers, and cause more chat back and forth.

2)Repeater Control Good as Compare to  DataList, DataGrid, and DataView controls. is a great platform, unfortunately a lot of the controls that were developed are heavy in html, and create not the greatest scaleable html from a performance standpoint.  repeater control is awesome!  Use it!  You might write  more code, but you will thank me in the long run!

3)Always check Page.IsValid when using Validator Controls

So you’ve dropped on some validator controls, and you think your good to go because does everything for you!  Right?  Wrong!  All that happens if bad data is received is the IsValid flag is set to false. So make sure you check Page.IsValid before processing your forms!


Make sure you don’t execute code needlessly. I don’t know how many web developers forget about checking IsPostBack!  It seems like such a basic thing to me!  Needless processing!

5)Avoid Exceptions

Avoid throwing exceptions, and handling useless exceptions. Exceptions are probably one of the heaviest resource hogs and causes of slowdowns you will ever see in web applications, as well as windows applications.  Write your code so they don’t happen!  Don’t code by exception!

6)Turn Off ViewState

If you are not using form postback, turn off viewsate, by default, controls will turn on viewsate and slow your site.Example :-if You Have Used Lable to display name static.

 ForeColor="Red" EnableViewState="false">

7)Use the Finally Method

If you have opened any connections to the database, or files, etc, make sure that you close them at the end!  The Finally block is really the best place to do so, as it is the only block of code that will surely execute.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

COALESCE Function In Sql Server

During Development we have use more time Colesce method If someone have home address or office address suppose if you dispaly available first record means you can use coalesce method or concatinate columns we use this coding

I have Below Table :

Insert Some Data in it :

Now the basic use of Colesce:
You can see the Id 2 hasnot OfficePhoneNo and id 5 has only MobileNo.
Colesce function can display available first record from one of the column.

It's Query Like :

select name ,coalesce(OfficePhoneNo,HomePhoneNo,MobileNo)
PhoneNo from EmpDetails

and Result will be :

Now I can show you another example of it.
We can also use coalesce function for Combining all column into single column.




SELECT @nam=COALESCE(@nam+',', '')+ FName FROM Emp

SELECT Emp= @nam

Output :

Thats it .....

Parthiv Agola - Find me on

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dynamically Load Webuser Control with Properties.

Create a new class to act as the base control:

public class MyBaseControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl
    public string MyProperty
        get { return ViewState["MyProp"] as string; }
        set { ViewState["MyProp"] = value; }

Then update your user controls to inherit from your base class instead of UserControl:

public partial class SampleControl2 : MyBaseControl

Then, in the place where you load the controls, change this:

UserControl uc = (UserControl)LoadControl(controlPath);


MyBaseControl uc = (MyBaseControl)LoadControl(controlPath);
uc.MyProperty = "foo";

Any suggestions will be appreciated greatly. !!.

Get Data from Excel To Sql Server Using

Here I am going to show you the step by step process to import data from Excel to SQL Server. To do so follow the below steps :

Step:1 Create Sample Table.

 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Product_Master](  
   [Product_Code] [varchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,  
   [Product_Name] [varchar](100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,  
   [Price] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL  

Step:2 Create New Web site with new webpage named as Default.aspx (Following is the code contained in the Default.aspx page).

1:  <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>  
2:  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  
3:  <html xmlns="">  
4:  <head runat="server">  
5:    <title>Import Excel Data To SQL Server</title>  
6:  </head>  
7:  <body>  
8:    <form id="form1" runat="server">  
9:    <div>  
10:      <asp:Label ID="lblHeading" runat="server" Text="Select File To Upload : "></asp:Label>  
11:      <asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" />  
12:      <br />  
13:      <br />  
14:      <asp:Button ID="btnUpload" runat="server" Text="Upload"   
15:        onclick="btnUpload_Click" />     
16:      <asp:Button ID="btnSaveToDB" runat="server" Text="Save To DB"   
17:        onclick="btnSaveToDB_Click" />  
18:        <br /><br />  
19:      <asp:Label ID="lblerror" runat="server" ForeColor ="Red" Text=""></asp:Label>  
20:    </div>  
21:    </form>  
22:  </body>  
23:  </html>  

Step:3 Here is the C# code of the Default.aspx.cs file:

1:  using System;  
2:  using System.Configuration;  
3:  using System.Data;  
4:  using System.Linq;  
5:  using System.Web;  
6:  using System.Web.Security;  
7:  using System.Web.UI;  
8:  using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;  
9:  using System.Web.UI.WebControls;  
10:  using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;  
11:  using System.Xml.Linq;  
12:  using System.IO;  
13:  public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page   
14:  {  
15:    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  
16:    {  
17:    }  
18:    protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  
19:    {  
20:      if (FileUpload1.HasFile)  
21:      {  
22:        var uploadFile = new UploadFile(FileUpload1.FileName);  
23:        try  
24:        {  
25:          FileUpload1.SaveAs(uploadFile.SavePath);  
26:        }  
27:        catch (Exception ex)  
28:        {  
29:          lblerror.Text = "error : "+ex.Message;  
30:        }  
31:       }  
32:    }  
33:    protected void btnSaveToDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  
34:    {  
35:      ImportDataIntoDB idid = new ImportDataIntoDB();  
36:      string count = idid.saveDataToDB();  
37:      if (Convert.ToInt16(count) < 0)  
38:      {  
39:        lblerror.Text = "Error Occurred...";  
40:      }  
41:      UploadFile upFile = new UploadFile();  
42:      upFile.DeleteFileNoException();  
43:    }  
44:  }  

Step:4 In this i call the UploadFile class which is created in a separate class file. This class is used to store uploaded file and also used to generate OleDb connection string as per file selected. Here is the code of UploadFile Class :

1:  using System;  
2:  using System.Data;  
3:  using System.Configuration;  
4:  using System.Linq;  
5:  using System.Web;  
6:  using System.Web.Security;  
7:  using System.Web.UI;  
8:  using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;  
9:  using System.Web.UI.WebControls;  
10:  using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;  
11:  using System.Xml.Linq;  
12:  using System.IO;  
13:  ///   
14:  /// Summary description for UploadFile  
15:  ///   
16:  public class UploadFile  
17:  {  
18:    private string savePath;  
19:    public UploadFile()  
20:    {  
21:    }  
22:    public UploadFile(string originalFileName)  
23:    {  
24:      string tempFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "_" + originalFileName;  
25:      string saveLocation = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileUploadLocation"]);  
26:      savePath = Path.Combine(saveLocation, tempFileName);  
27:      HttpContext.Current.Session["savePath"] = savePath;  
28:    }  
29:    ///   
30:    /// Temp path used to save the uploaded file  
31:    ///   
32:    public string SavePath  
33:    {  
34:      get  
35:      {  
36:        return savePath;  
37:      }  
38:    }  
39:    ///   
40:    /// Attempt to delete temp file  
41:    ///   
42:    public void DeleteFileNoException()  
43:    {  
44:      savePath = HttpContext.Current.Session["savePath"].ToString();  
45:      if (File.Exists(savePath))  
46:      {  
47:        try  
48:        {  
49:          File.Delete(savePath);  
50:        }  
51:        catch { }  
52:      }  
53:    }  
54:    ///   
55:    /// Return connection strinng based on file extension  
56:    ///   
57:    public string GetOleDbConnectionString()  
58:    {  
59:      savePath = HttpContext.Current.Session["savePath"].ToString();  
60:      var finfo = new FileInfo(savePath);  
61:      if (!finfo.Exists)  
62:      {  
63:        throw new FileNotFoundException(savePath);  
64:      }  
65:      var fileExtension = finfo.Extension.ToLower();  
66:      switch (fileExtension)  
67:      {  
68:        case ".xls":  
69:          return string.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["xlsOleDBConnection"], savePath);  
70:        case ".xlsx":  
71:          return string.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["xlsxOleDBConnection"], savePath);  
72:        default:  
73:          throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("This file type {0} is not supported!", fileExtension));  
74:      }  
75:    }  
76:  }  

Step:5 Now next step is read that file and save the data into sql server. Here is the method which reads the data from excel and save it into sql server database :

1:  public string saveDataToDB()  
2:    {  
3:      int j = 0;  
4:      string strQuery = "SELECT ProductCode,ProductName,ItemCaptionJP,ItemTextJP,IngredientsJP,CountryOfOrigin,HowToStore FROM [Sheet1$]";  
5:      DataTable dt = new DataTable();  
6:      OleDbCommand ocmd = new OleDbCommand(strQuery, oleconn);  
7:      //OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(strQuery, oleconn);  
8:      oleconn.Open();  
9:      OleDbDataReader odr = ocmd.ExecuteReader();  
10:      int i = 0;  
11:      if (odr.HasRows)  
12:      {  
13:        while (odr.Read())  
14:        {  
15:          if (i == 0)  
16:            sb.Append("UPDATE Product_Master set [itemCaption_jp]=N'" + odr["ItemCaptionJP"] + "',[itemText_jp]=N'" + odr["ItemTextJP"].ToString() + "',[ingredients_jp]=N'" + odr["IngredientsJP"].ToString() + "',[countryoforigin_jp]=N'" + odr["CountryOfOrigin"].ToString() + "',[howtostore_jp]=N'" + odr["HowToStore"].ToString() + "' where [alternate_code]='" + odr["ProductCode"].ToString() + "' and Product_Name='" + odr["ProductName"].ToString() + "'");  
17:          else  
18:            sb.Append(";UPDATE Product_Master set [itemCaption_jp]=N'" + odr["ItemCaptionJP"] + "',[itemText_jp]=N'" + odr["ItemTextJP"].ToString() + "',[ingredients_jp]=N'" + odr["IngredientsJP"].ToString() + "',[countryoforigin_jp]=N'" + odr["CountryOfOrigin"].ToString() + "',[howtostore_jp]=N'" + odr["HowToStore"].ToString() + "' where [alternate_code]='" + odr["ProductCode"].ToString() + "' and Product_Name='" + odr["ProductName"].ToString() + "'");  
19:          i++;  
20:        }  
21:        j = UpdatedCommand(sb.ToString());  
22:      }  
23:      return j.ToString();  
24:    }  
25:    #region update,delete,insert data in Database  
26:    public int UpdatedCommand(string strupdatequery)  
27:    {  
28:      int intreturn = 0;  
29:      ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;  
30:      Type ty = this.GetType();  
31:      try  
32:      {  
33:        SqlCommand cmdupdatecommand = new SqlCommand();  
34:        transsql = null;  
35:        if (sqlconn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
36:        {  
37:          sqlconn.Close();  
38:        }  
39:        sqlconn.Open();  
40:        transsql = sqlconn.BeginTransaction();  
41:        cmdupdatecommand.CommandTimeout = 0;  
42:        cmdupdatecommand.CommandText = strupdatequery;  
43:        cmdupdatecommand.Connection = sqlconn;  
44:        cmdupdatecommand.Transaction = transsql;  
45:        intreturn = cmdupdatecommand.ExecuteNonQuery();  
46:        transsql.Commit();  
47:        if (sqlconn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
48:        {  
49:          sqlconn.Close();  
50:        }  
51:        return intreturn;  
52:      }  
53:      catch (SqlException oleex)  
54:      {  
55:        transsql.Rollback();  
56:        strupdatequery = oleex.Message;  
57:        strerorrmsg1 = "Error In UpdatedCommand method " + oleex.Message.ToString();  
58:        strerorrmsg2 = strerorrmsg1.Replace("'", "");  
59:        string msg = "alert('" + strerorrmsg2 + "');";  
60:        cs.RegisterStartupScript(ty, strerorrmsg1, msg, true);  
61:        return -3;  
62:      }  
63:      catch (System.Exception exp)  
64:      {  
65:        transsql.Rollback();  
66:        strupdatequery = exp.Message;  
67:        strerorrmsg1 = "Error In UpdatedCommand method " + exp.Message.ToString();  
68:        strerorrmsg2 = strerorrmsg1.Replace("'", "");  
69:        string msg = "alert('" + strerorrmsg2 + "');";  
70:        cs.RegisterStartupScript(ty, strerorrmsg1, msg, true);  
71:        return -3;  
72:      }  
73:      finally  
74:      {  
75:        if (sqlconn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)  
76:        {  
77:          sqlconn.Close();  
78:        }  
79:      }  
80:    }  
81:    #endregion